Соколовский Михаил Абрамович

Соколовский Михаил Абрамович

Должность: главный научный сотрудник

Степень: доктор физико-математических наук


Подразделение: Отдел динамики водной среды

Лаборатория: Лаборатория гидродинамики

Руководитель подразделения: Зырянов Денис Валерьевич

♦ Name: Mikhail A. Sokolovskiy
 Birthdate: June 16, 1950, Djezkazganskiy Region, Kazakhstan, USSR
♦ Citizenship: Russia
 Family status:  Married, wife Olga I. Yakovenko,
      2 children: Korney (1981), Mstislav (1983)
 Office address: 3 Gubkina Str., 119333, Moscow
Water Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
E-mail: sokolovskiy@iwp.ru
Tel.: +7-499-135-0534


1973: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
1983: Candidate of Science in physics and mathematics (Ph.D.), thesis title: “Bottom relief interaction on the zonal oceanic flows”, Pacific Oceanological Institute of Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok
2009: Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, thesis title: “Dynamics of vortex structures in two-layer model of ocean”, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

♦ Employment:

• 1973-1994: Junior Scientist, Scientist, Senior Scientist of Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok
• 1994-present: Senior Scientist, Leading Scientist, Principal Scientist of Water Problems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
• Since 2015: Leading Scientist of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (off-hour job)

♦ Area of interests: 

• Geophysical fluid dynamics 
• Physical oceanography 
• Vortex dynamics

♦ Memberships:

• Member of EUROMECH from 2013
• Member of American Meteorological Society from 2016
• Member of editorial board of scientific journals:
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics (2004-2011, guest editor, together with D.G. Dritschel and M.A. Stremler, of special issue (2021, vol.26, iss. 5) dedicated to 200th birthday of Hermann von Helmholtz)
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics (2005-2011 and from 2022)
• Guest editor of Mathematics: Special Issue "Vortex Dynamics: Theory and Application to Geophysical Flows" (2019-2020)
• Guest editor of Symmetry: Special Issue "Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Symmetry" (2022-2023)

♦ Scientific cooperation with: 

• Jacques Verron (Le Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l’Environnement, CNRS, Grenoble, France)
• Xavier Carton (Laboratoire de Physique des Océans, UFR Sciences, UBO, Brest, France) 
Peter A. Davies (Department of Civil Engineering, The University, Dundee, UK) 
• David G. DritschelJean N. Reinaud (Mathematical Institute, University of St. Andrews, North Haugh, St. Andrews, UK)
• Ziv Kizner (Departments of Physics and Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel)
• Boris N. Filyushkin (P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
• Konstantin V. Koshel , Evgeny A. Ryzhov (V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia)
• Vladimir M. Gryanik (The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany)
• Vyatcheslav G. Makarov (Interdisciplinary Center of Marine Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute, La Paz, Mexico)
• Alexey V. BorisovIvan S. Mamaev (Institute of Computer Sciences, Izhevsk, Russia)
• Leonid G. KurakinIrina V. Ostrovskaya (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

♦ Refereeing:

• Journal of Fluid Mechanics
• Physics of Fluids
• Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
• Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
• Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
• Physica Scripta
• Water Resources
• Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
• Oceanology
• Journal of Geometry and Physics
• Journal of Physical Oceanography
• The European Physical Journal Special Topics
• Deep-Sea Research Part I
• Journal of Marine Systems
• Chaos
• Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Acta Oceanologica Sinica
Physical Oceanography
Journal Geophysical Research: Oceans  

♦ Awards:

• 2010: Letter of Commendation of Russian Academy of Sciences
• 2011: The Prize of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics for the paper М.A. Sokolovskiy and X. Carton. Baroclinic multipole formation from heton interaction. Fluid Dynamics Research, 2010, v. 42, 045501

§ Author' profiles:

♦ Web of Science 

♦ Scholar Google 

♦ Research Gate 

♦ Elibrary 



♦ Who is who 

♦ Academia 




♦ Books: 

2003: A.V. Borisov, I.S. Mamaev, M.A. Sokolovskiy (eds). Fundamental and applied problems of theory of vortices. Izhevsk-Moscow, 704 p. (In Russian).
2008: A.V. Borisov, V.V. Kozlov, I.S. Mamaev, M.A. Sokolovskiy (eds). IUTAM Symposium on Hamiltonian dynamics, vortex structures, turbulence. IUTAM bookseries. Vol. 6, Springer, 502 p.
2011: M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. Dynamics of vortex structures in a stratified rotating fluid. Izhevsk Institute of Computer Science: Moscow-Izhevsk, 372 p. (Russian edition).
2014: M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. Dynamics of vortex structures in a stratified rotating fluid. Series Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library. Vol. 47, Springer: Cham - Heidelberg - New York - Dordrecht - London, 382 p. (Extended English edition).

♦ Papers in Refereed Journals: 

• V.F. Kozlov, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Stationary motion of a stratified fluid above a rough bottom (geostrophic approximation on the beta-plane). Oceanology, 1978, v. 18, N 4, pp. 383-386. 
•  V.F. Kozlov, N.A. Kropinova, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Influence of bottom relief on the geostrophic motion of a stratified zonal current. Soviet Meteorology and Hydrology, 1979, N 5, pp.53-57. 
•  V.F. Kozlov, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Influence of cylindrical topographic disturbanced on a nonstationary zonal flow of a stratified fluid on the beta plane. Izvestiya, Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 1980, v. 16, N 8, pp. 596-604. 
• V.F. Kozlov, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Meander of a barotropic zonal current crossing a bottom ridge (periodic regime). Oceanology, 1981, v. 21, N 6, pp. 684-687. 
• M.A. Sokolovskiy. Low-component model of wind-induced motion of a barotropic fluid in a confined rectangular basin. Sea Hydrophysical Journal, 1986, N 3, pp. 13-18. (In Russian).
• V.F. Kozlov, V.G. Makarov, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Numerical model of the baroclinic instability of axially symmetric eddies in two-layer ocean. Izvestiya, Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 1986, v. 22, N 8, pp. 674-678.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy. Numerical modelling of nonlinear instability for axisymmetric two-layer vortices. Izvestiya, Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 1988, v. 24, N 7, pp. 536-542.  
• M.A. Sokolovskiy. Head-on collisions of distributed hetons. Trans. Dokl. USSR Acad. Sci, Earth Sci. Sect., 1989, v. 306, N 3, pp. 215-217. 
• M.A. Sokolovskiy. Modeling triple-layer vortical motions in the ocean by the Contour Dynamics Method. Izvestiya, Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 1991, v. 27, N 5, pp. 380-388. 
• M.A. Sokolovskiy. Stability of an axisymmetric three-layer vortex. Izvestiya, Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 1997, v. 33, N 1, pp. 16-26. 
• M.A. Sokolovskiy. Stability analysis of the axisymmetric three-layered vortex using contour dynamics method. Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, 1997, v. 6, N 2, pp. 133-156.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, V.N. Zyryanov, P.A. Davies. On the influence of an isolated submerged obstacle on a barotropic tidal flow. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 1998, v. 88, N 1-2, pp. 1 -30.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy , J. Verron. Finite-core hetons: Stability and interactions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2000, v. 423, pp. 127-154.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. Four-vortex motion in the two layer approximation: Integrable case. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2000, v. 5, N 4, pp. 414-436.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron, I.M. Vagina. Effect of a submerged small-height obstacle on the dynamics of a distributed heton. Izvestiya, Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 2001, v. 37, N 1, pp. 122-133.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. New stationary solutions to the problem of three vortices in a two-layer fluid. Doklady Physics, 2002, v. 47, N 3, pp. 233-237.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. Dynamics of triangular two-layer vortex structures with zero total intensity. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2002, v. 7, N 4, pp. 435-472.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. Dynamics of three vortices in a two-layer rotating fluid. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2004, v. 9, N 4, pp. 417-438.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. Some properties of motion of A + 1 vortices in a two-layer rotating fluid. Russ. Sci. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 2006, v. 2, N 1, pp. 27-54. (In Russian).
• V.M. Gryanik, M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. Dynamics of heton-like vortices. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2006, v. 11, N 3, pp. 383-434.
• K.V. Koshel, M.A. Sokolovskiy, P.A. Davies. Chaotic advection and non-linear resonances in an oceanic flow above submerged obstacle. Fluid Dynamics Research, 2008, v. 40, N 10, pp. 695-736.
• M. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron, X. Carton, V. Gryanik. On instability of elliptical hetons. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2010, v. 24, N 1-4, pp. 117-123, or Proceedings of an IUTAM Symposium "150 Years of Vortex Dynamics", ed. by H. Aref, Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London- New York, 2010, pp. 133-139.
• X. Carton, G.R. Flierl, X. Perrot, T. Meunier, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Explosive instability of geostrophic vortices. Part 1: baroclinic instability. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2010, v. 24, N 1-4, pp. 125-130, or Proceedings of an IUTAM Symposium "150 Years of Vortex Dynamics", ed. by H. Aref, Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London-New York, 2010, pp. 141-146.
• X. Carton, T. Meunier, G.R. Flierl, X. Perrot, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Explosive instability of geostrophic vortices. Part 2: parametric instability. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2010, v. 24, N 1-4, pp. 131-135, or Proceedings of an IUTAM Symposium "150 Years of Vortex Dynamics", ed. by H. Aref, Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London-New York, 2010, pp. 147-151.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, X.J. Carton. Baroclinic multipole formation from heton interaction. Fluid Dynamics Research, 2010, v. 42, N 4, 045501 (31 pp).
• B.N. Filyushkin, M.A. Sokolovskiy, N.G. Kozhelupova, I.M. Vagina. Dynamics of intrathermocline lenses. Doklady Earth Sciences, 2010, v. 434, part 2, pp. 1377-1380.
• B.N. Filyushkin, M.A. Sokolovskiy, N.G. Kozhelupova, I.M. Vagina. Reflection of intrathermocline eddies on the ocean surface. Doklady Earth Sciences, 2011, v. 439, part 1, pp. 986-989.
• B.N. Filyushkin, M.A. Sokolovskiy, N.G. Kozhelupova, I.M. Vagina. Evolution of intrathermocline eddies moving over a submarine hill. Doklady Earth Sciences, 2011, v. 441, part 2, pp. 1757-1760.
• B.N. Filyushkin, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Modeling the evolution of intrathermocline lenses in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Marine Research, 2011, v. 69, N 2-3, pp. 191-220.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, K.V. Koshel, X. Carton. Baroclinic multipole evolution in shear and strain. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2011, v. 105, N 5-6, pp. 505-535.
• V.G. Makarov, M.A. Sokolovskiy, Z. Kizner. Doubly symmetric finite-core heton equilibria. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2012, v. 708, pp. 397-417.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, K.V. Koshel, J. Verron. Three-vortex quasi-geostrophic dynamics in a two-layer fluid. Part 1. Analysis of relative and absolute motions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2013, v. 717, pp. 232-254.
• K.V. Koshel, M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron. Three-vortex quasi-geostrophic dynamics in a two-layer fluid. Part 2. Regular and chaotic advection around the perturbed steady states. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2013, v. 717, pp. 255-280.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, B.N. Filyushkin, X.J. Carton. Dynamics of intrathermocline vortices in a gyre flow over a seamount chain. Ocean Dynamics, 2013, v. 63, N 7, pp. 741-760.
• X. Carton, M. Sokolovskiy, C. Ménesguen, A. Aguiar, T. Meunier. Vortex stability in a multi-layer quasigeostrophic model: application to Mediterranean Water eddies. Fluid Dynamics Research, 2014, v. 46, N 6, 061401 (18 pp).
• B.N. Filyushkin, M.A. Sokolovskiy, N.G. Kozhelupova, I.M. Vagina. Lagrangian methods for observation of intrathermocline eddies in ocean. Oceanology, 2014, v. 54, N 6, pp. 688-694.
• L.G. Kurakin, I.V. Ostrovskaya, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Stability of discrete vortex multipoles in homogeneous and two-layer fluid. Doklady Physics, 2015, v. 60, N 5, pp. 217-233.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, B.N. Filyushkin. Interaction between synoptic gyres and intrathermocline lenses. Oceanology, 2015, v. 55, N 5, pp. 661-666.
• X. Carton, D. Ciani, J. Verron, J. Reinaud and M. Sokolovskiy. Vortex merger in surface quasi-geostrophy. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2016, v. 110, N 1, pp. 1-22.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, · X.J. Carton, · B.N. Filyushkin, · O.I. Yakovenko. Interaction between a surface jet and subsurface vortices in a three-layer quasi-geostrophic model.  Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2016, v. 110, N 3,  pp. 201-223.
• L.G. Kurakin, I.V. Ostrovskaya, M.A. Sokolovskiy. On the stability of discrete tripole, quadrupole, Thomson’ vortex triangle and square in a two-layer/homogeneous rotating fluid. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2016, v. 21, N 3, pp. 291–334.
• E.A. Ryzhov, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Interaction of two-layer vortex pair with a submerged cylindrical obstacle in a two-layer rotating fluid. Physics of Fluids, 2016, v. 28, 056602 (18 pp).
• J.N. Reinaud, M.A. Sokolovskiy, X. Carton. Geostrophic tripolar vortices in a two-layer fluid: Linear stability and nonlinear evolution of equilibria. Physics of Fluids, 2017, v. 29,  036601 (16 pp).
• I.L. Bashmachnikov, M.A. Sokolovskiy, T.V. Belonenko, D.L. Volkov, P.E. Isachsen, X. Carton. On the vertical structure and stability of the Lofoten vortex in the Norwegian Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part I:  Oceanographic Research Papers, 2017, v. 128, pp. 1-27.
• X. Carton, M. Morvan, J.N. Reinaud, M.A. Sokolovskiy, P. L’Hegaret, C. Vic. Vortex merger near topographic slope in a homogeneous rotating fluid. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2017, v. 22, N 5, pp. 455-478.
• E.A. Ryzhov, K.V. Koshel, M.A. Sokolovskiy, X. Carton. Interaction of an along-shore propagating vortex with a vortex enclosed in a circular bay.  Physics of Fluids, 2018, v. 30, N 1, 016602 (12 pp).
• B.N. Filyushkin, M.A. Sokolovskiy, K.V. Lebedev. Evolution of an intrathermocline lens over the Lofoten Basin. 
In: M.G. Velarde, R. Yu. Tarakanov, A.V. Marchenko (eds.) The Ocean in Motion. Springer Oceanography, Cham, 2018, pp. 333-347.
• J. N. Reinaud, M.A. Sokolovskiy, X. Carton. Hetonic quartets in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic flow: V-states and stability. Physics of Fluids, 2018, v. 30, N 5, 056602 (8 pp).
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, J. Verron, X.J. Carton. The formation of new quasi-stationary vortex patterns from the interaction of two identical vortices in a rotating fluid. Ocean Dynamics, 2018, v. 68, N 6, pp. 723-733.
• Kurakin L.G., Lysenko I.A., Ostrovskaya I.V., Sokolovskiy M.A. On stability of the Thomson’s vortex N-gon in the geostrophic model of the point vortices in two-layer fluid.  Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2019, v. 29, N 4, pp. 1659-1700.
• M. Morvan, P. L’Hégare, X. Carton, J. Gula, C. Vic, M. Sokolovskiy, K. Koshel. The life cycle of submesoscale eddies generated by topographic interactions. Ocean Science, 2019, v.15, N 6, pp. 1531-1543.
• M.A. Sokolovskiy, · X.J. Carton, · B.N. Filyushkin. Mathematical modeling of vortex interaction using a three-layer quasigeostrophic model. Part 1: Point-vortex approach.  Mathematics, 2020, v. 8, N 8, 1228, doi:10.3390/math8081228.
 • M.A. Sokolovskiy, · X.J. Carton, · B.N. Filyushkin. Mathematical modeling of vortex interaction using a three-layer quasigeostrophic model. Part 2: Finite-core-vortex approach and oceanographic application.  Mathematics, 2020, v. 8, N 8, 1267, doi:10.3390/math8081267.
 • M.A. Sokolovskiy, K.V. Koshel, D.G. Dritschel, J.N. Reinaud. N-symmetric interaction of N hetons. I. Analysis of the case N = 2. Physics of Fluids, 2020, v. 32, N 9, 096601 (17 pp).
• S. Abdalla, A.A. Kolahchi, …, M.A. Sokolovskiy, … (International Altimetry Team, 361 authors). Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress. Advances in Space Research, 2021, v. 68, iss. 2, pp. 319–363.
• E.K. Santeva, I.L. Bashmachnikov, M.A. Sokolovskiy. On the stability of the Lofoten Vortex in the Norwegian Sea. Oceanology, 2021, v. 61, N. 3, pp. 308–318.
• D.G. Dritschel, M.A. Sokolovskiy, M.A. Stremler. Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (31.08.1821–08.09.1894). Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2021, vol.26, № 5, pp. 463-466.
• V.M. Egorova, V.N. Zyryanov, M.A. Sokolovskiy. The hydrodynamic theory of the Cyprus Eddy. Ocean Dynamics, 2022, vol. 72, № 1 pp. 1-20.
• M.V. Shatokhin, M.A. Sokolovskiy. Dynamics of passive admixture in surface and subsurface external deformation field above an ocean guyot. Moscow University Physics Bulletin. 2023, vol. 78. № 3. pp. 399–409.
• V.M. Egorova, M.A. Sokolovskiy, G. Zodiatis. A three-layer model of hydrodynamic processes in the Cyprus Eddy system. Ocean Dynamics, 2024, vol. 74, iss. 1, pp. 19-36.
• K.V. Koshel, M.A. Sokolovskiy, D.G. Dritschel, J.N. Reinaud. N-symmetric interaction of N hetons. II. Analysis of the case of arbitrary N. Fluids, 2024, vol. 9, № 6, 122, doi:10.3390/fluids9060122 (30 pp.)