Early Career Scientists’ Council
Early Career Scientists’ Council (ECSC) is a community of young researchers, PhD students, and young postdocs working at the Water Problems Institute of RAS.
The ECSC is aimed at:
Increasing the involvement of young researchers and PhD students in scientific communication within and outside the Institute;
Aiding in professional skills’ improvement;
Searching for mutual research interests, providing floor and audience for presenting scientific ideas;
Representation of young researchers’ interests to the Institute management;
The main ECSC tasks are to organize educational activities for YS, such as workshops, lectures and master classes, disseminate information between YS, be aware of their needs, and provide support for solving their problems.
The ECSC in the social media:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/yhsRu
TG: https://t.me/joinchat/DWOQJxQ2vT0Xr-txhTrERw
The ECSC is run by a Chair and a board. As of January 2022, the elected Chair and board for 2022 – 2024 are:
Chairwoman – Tatiana Millionshchikova, PhD in geography
Vsevolod Moreido, PhD in geography
Ksenia Suchkova, PhD in geography
Vasilisa Tolkacheva, PhD student
ECSC contacts: Tatiana Millionshchikova and Vsevolod Moreido