Peer-reviewed international papers
Motovilov, Y. G., Kortunova, K. V., & Fashchevskaya, T. B. (2024). Modelling fields of hydrological cycle characteristics in the Nizhnekamskoye Reservoir watershed of the Volga River basin under climate change. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 69(16)
Kuchment, L., Gelfan, A. (2024). Development of runoff generation models in the former USSR and Russia: a historical overview. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 1–14
Dobrovolski, S.G., Yushkov, V.P. & Solomonova, I.V. Stochastic Approach to the Evolution of the Global Water Cycle: Results of Historical Experiments on the CMIP-6 Models. Pure Appl. Geophys. (2024)
K.V. Koshel, M.A. Sokolovskiy, D.G. Dritschel, J.N. Reinaud. N-symmetric interaction of N hetons. II. Analysis of the case of arbitrary N. Fluids, 2024, vol. 9, № 6, 122, doi:10.3390/fluids9060122 (30 pp.)
Vulfson A.N. and Nikolaev P.V. Classical and local similarity in problems of turbulent convection: Extension of Prandtl semi-empirical theory for horizontal layers of water and air mediums // Phys. Fluids 36, 026612 (2024)