Добровольский С.Г., Истомина М.Н., Пасечкина В.Ю. Изменения природных параметров экстремальных гидрологических явлений в России и в мире и вызванных ими ущербов: наводнения и засухи // Вопросы географии. 2018. Т. 45. С. 183 – 194

Quantitative information on the strongest extreme hydrological events, floods and droughts, is being studied at global scale. A database including about 3500 floods of the world was created in the Water Problems Institute of the RAS - as well as database with information from different sources on «hydrological», «meteorological» and «agricultural» droughts. Coordinated definitions of extreme hydrological events were proposed. Conclusions about possible changes of parameters of flood and drought damages were formulated - both in the near future and in the distant future.

Дата публикации: 2018

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